Wednesday 6 June 2012

I had to spend an overnight visit to a hospital, last week I received a letter regarding my stay, it said that I had an abnormal amount of fluid around my heart, but as I could walk several hundred yards with no problem could I be referred to a cardiologist, now this is the funny bit if you can find it funny, I am not able to walk more than 25 yards without severe pain and discomfort, I move about outside with a stick or a mobility scooter, at no time was I ever asked as to how far I could walk, so how they could make this statement I have no idea, I have since contacted them and they are going to send my GP a second report with an amendment, I really do give up on the NHS.

Thursday 31 May 2012

Phone Hacking

It has to be said that without a doubt this happened, so why all the fuss, we know that the News of the World were up to their necks in it, as a member of the public, do I want to see this trail of non event people heading into the inquirery, No not really, I don't particularly care how reporters get the news, if there was not investigative journalists who use all sorts of methods to obtain their stories, would we ever know what is going on? is that wrong?, may be may be not, so some of what has happened was and is wrong, some is fine, just how long is it going to go on, there are many more things here and abroad that needs to be heard rather than all this clap trap.

Wednesday 30 May 2012


I see that the doctors are to go on strike about their pensions, £68,000 per year, they will not work to 65, I would have thought that was pretty good, I have two pension's and my state pension, and my wife's state pension £15,000 maximum, less 20% tax of course, I would ove to get £68,000 a year, they should realise that they are compared with the majority of the public in an extremely good situation, I feel sorry for you regarding your hours, the paperwork you have and the new work load you have been given, I support you on this aspect but as far as pensions,  go pull in your belt and do what the rest of us do, Get By, you are not likely to get the general public on your side in this.

Monday 28 May 2012


It is quite worrying when a doctor writes a comment about you that is not true  just might cost you your life, I have a letter which tells my GP that I have no problem walking a couple of hundred yards without any problems, well for a start no one has ever asked me at this hospital how far can I walk !!, so how did this come about I have not the slightest idea, but this letter is a report on my last visit to the hospital, they found that I have an abnormal amount of fluid round my heart, the comment that I can walk the distance stated says that it is not causing me any problems, well the truth is I am having problems and have been for some time, I am unable to walk any distance now as I have severe pains in my legs and on occasions in my chest, so a phone call was made this morning, but of course they have not got back to me, so it is on going at the moment.

Monday 21 May 2012


I was born in 1946, my family was Catholic and I at the age of 7 became an alter boy, I was one till I was 23, I could at that time recite Latin phrases in reply to the priest, took some learning though, the teacher would stand in front of us with a very long stick, if you got it right it was OK if wrong you got a bang on the head, you learn very quickly, I had to serve on the alter on many occasions during the week this was for funerals, what a sad time for a young boy, to watch all these elderly people crying at their loss, I was usually OK as I had escaped school for the morning or afternoon, trips in some very smart motors and some times a half crown, so on the way back to school 20 number 10 fags and a box of matches. all fun and games, all through this never once was I promoted to be a suicide bomber, what is a matter  with today's youth???.

Friday 18 May 2012

money and the Euro

what a  joke all this is becoming, Greece just not knowing what is going to happen to them, and in the background Spain with its banks being slapped on the hand, now we have the G8, the USA just what has the USA to do with Europe??, the French and Germans can quite happily blow it all apart, thank God the UK is not in it, I know we will be affected by what happens but at least we have our own money, one good thing at least we will get cheaper holidays if the Greeks leave the Euro.
What will happen in London at the Olympics?, exchange rates will be rotten for the visitors, they will get less and our banks will no doubt make more, God save us all !!.

Thursday 17 May 2012


Two more dead soldiers brought home, shot dead by of all people a police officer, an officer that no doubt was trained by us, so this is the repayment to us, it has to be time to get the hell out of it, it is just not worth the risk, as far as these two go may they RIP.